The Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
February 2
Miriam Cutelis
Miriam Cutelis has two Masters in Special Education and an undergraduate degree in Studio Art. She teaches Visual Art at a local Spanish Immersion School. Miriam is a member of the CSE, a student at the MPI, and a reader at Psychic Saturdays. Miriam enjoys creating mixed media artwork which she has displayed at various exhibitions. She is a certified level 1 Cognomovement practitioner and is working towards her level 2 certifications in QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. She writes a daily blog called, "Dig In, Fight On" about her adventures in the metaphysical and spiritual world.
Please refer to the below schedule for service on Sundays at 10 AM
Suzie Eggleston has interacted with Spirits most of her life. She grew up in the Lutheran Church and attended her church’s parochial school through the 8th grade. In 2016, she began participating in Psychic Saturday on a regular basis as well as other classes offered at the CSE. Suzie joined the CSE in September 2020 and plans to continue pursuing her personal growth in Spiritualism and mediumship. Suzie currently serves the CSE as Secretary, and Membership Committee Chair.
February 23
February 9
March 9
March 2
Suzie Eggleston
February 16
Sue Bracey
Sue Bracey was a Speaker and Teacher at Church of Two Worlds, Washington, DC for 15 years. She has been a Spiritual Healer, Reader and Medium for over 40 years.
Currently she is an active Hospice & Palliative care volunteer and “Art For The People” Board Member.
She founded and curated art exhibits for “Unseen Beauty” projects - displaying and promoting art by housing challenged individuals in the Metropolitan area.
She is a retired Program Analyst for the Federal Government.
copyright © The Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, NSAC | 222 N. Washington Street | Falls church | va | 22046
Mailing address: PO Box 6630 Falls Church, VA 22040
703 645 8060 THECSE@THECSE.ORG